The boys changed their minds lots!!!! First one theme, then another, gazing through pages of cakes online, just to find the perfect one!!
My Connor chose a star wars theme - Darth Vadar "had" to make an appearance!! I needed to practice my Mad hatter skills for an upcoming cake so after a lot of brainstorming, this is what I came up with :
Then came Jed's cake - he fairly quickly chose "Cat in the Hat" theme, his favorite book. I sketched up a cake, and this was the result :
Next was Harry's - Ok now, he was painful!!!! Changed his mind so many times!!!! 2 weeks before his Birthday I put my foot down - A decision had to be made!! He chose a Transformer cake we found a photo of on the net, here it is :
And lastly Bella. For Bella, we just wanted a really gorgeous cake. As she was only turning One, and did not have an opinion (very refreshing!!), Rhyan and I had full artsitic control!!! Im sure next year she will demand Dora or something of the sort, so this year this is what we went with :
Had so much fun with the kids cakes, great chance to try different styles, flavours, and the look on their faces when they see what Mum made especially for them is worth the many, many hours of work!!